all party london 2012 group derek wyatt
- aspiration -create sport think tank - available pots of money - XX register - ofcom
- using lottery tickets - without a think tank we cannot build the campaign
ATOS ORIGIN, wordwide IT partner
Sponsorship issues, branding issues Who can associate itself with oly brand
branding issues LOCOG - discussion about branding expansion - options to be more flexible with non-for-profit orgs
RICHARD CABORN, Minister for Sports
- july 2005 - making the bid orginal - the regeneration of east london, the thames gateway project - opp: oly park - "the gateway to the gateway" - 500 acres of park - environment - sustainability plans - - terminal 5 - one of the biggest construction programmes in Europe ; - pressures and issues - media getting more critical, budget controversy, but opinion polls showing increasing support - visitbritain- new leadership, new initiatives, huge eco impact - renewing the regions - eco effect - uk school games - first time in Glasgow, next time Coventry- 15 disciplines, mini olympics - UNESCO links - the 5 boroughs - some of the most deprived areas in the UK; edu opps- employment links - david lammy - culture and creative advisory panel - visit brit - tessa jowell - eco impact; business clubs around the country - emphasis on eco impact • - 2012 road show - successful • volunteering programme - do beyond the CW 2002, not good at after the games, making sure volunteers are taken up o how to use oly to inspire people to sustain volunteering interest - o see the games as not and end in itself
issues - eco, tourism, volunteers
seoul presentation line - the paralympics are coming home (first time 1948) - aspiration - integration oly and para - both groups should come together a bit better than they do now
LDS - adquire the land and ensure it is remediated by July 07 and drive the social and eco benefits of the legacy
from the start of the games - key aims - help produce best quality - lasting social and eco benefit - emphasis employment and economy
land adquisition - good news story - we are on track - 93% adquired, negotiation and engagement with land owner; compulsary purchase order; trying to avoid using it - so negotiation in place
- 66% agreed relocation sites for businesses; business advice and compensation for costs
- bigger vision - housing, edu, transport provision in lower lea vlley
- target - 70,000 more people in work across london - 30,000 to 40,000 new homes - up to 50,000 new jobs
600,000 million pounds to acquire this land - it will have much higher value after oly; strong return on that investment
timetable for detailed legacy plan -
employment, skills and sustainability for the people - learning n skills council, jobs enterprise, five boroughs are the key stakeholders here - getting them to act jointly - now setting specific targets and focused programmes - example - 5 boroughs - employment rate 63% - child poverty;
london employment and skills taskforce for 2012 (LEST) - impact across london - - pre-volunteer programmme - training 15- 20,000 people to get an NVQ in volunteering to prepare them for Games and work
- London employer accord - offering interviews to job seekers - companies involved - AEG, Transport for London,
Opportunities Fund - 11 million pounds over 3 years from April 03
QUESTION - technology needs - training people with IT skills - ref to the new media centre, one of the 5 key physical legacies of the games - will offer a high tech resource for a deprived area
Dianne Thompson, CBE - Chief Executive, National Lottery
nat lot sales on rise, at highest returned more to soc than any other in world up 105m pounds on last year funded over 19b pounds more than 3b pounds to sport best medal count in sydney and athens 12 yrs since began 70% of adult popn play funding 2012: need 750m pounds, need 2.6b pounds of tickets if win new licence, she will stay with lottery first olympic scratch card 3 weeks after decision - fastest selling card since 2002 instant win games online all money go to 2012 36m pounds from OLDF oly lot del fund 'dream number' now at 100m pound landmark raise in effort after 2008 games qanda nick woodyle - westminster briefings how disruptive ciould change in operator be? a: whole bidding process disruptive.usually diminishes sales, but not for us. decision will be by july, then 18month handover. if we win, then we have to do some changeovers, but so will the other winner. so doesnt make a large difc. transition this time will be more complicated. beijing happens in the middle of this.
derek: i did ask government to withdraw, but was not taken on
q: regional loss of funds a:for us challenge is to keep growing funds to avoid depletion. to be frank, will be diffi to ensure, but so far no.
derek: should be a matching funds challenge fund.
derek: dick mentiooned 'legacy trust' ofr 40m pounds. yorkshire first, timebank, city of london XXX four stake holders.