From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 CajaThimm, Uni of Bonn

What is Web 2.0? -    user driven web -    less about technology -    no technological barrier – thing of the past -    web 3.0 prospect

New services -    advertising -    1.1

ME: how much of online advertising is web 2.0 platforms?

Wikis -    we restrict use of wikipedia as citations

ME: why restrict wikipedia citations?


Videocasts and podcasts

RSS – not used a lot

Does Gordon Brown have a videoblog?

ME: WebCameron, but problem is not, how do you know that the communication mode is not politically laden? Is this really intimacy or something much more staged?

‘self marketing’

participation – citizen journalists

never know how well researched, but do have professional control teams

Social websites and communities Virtual worlds – second life

Media literacy is a social competence -    ME: expand

SL is not a game, but virtual society

‘avatars are’ internet ‘users’ representation of himself’

rape in SL -    ME: Different from the rape in LambdaMOO?

Neal Stephenson – ‘snow crash’

‘when you click on the website in second life’ -    ME: but you don’t do this, it’s not a website, but a downloaded software

Preference to type, rather than voice in SL

Very global

Virtual self – virtual as compensation for real life

Pornography – went to a bar, not very populated - ME: what time of day did (s)he go?

Barak Obama does have an avatar. Hilary Clinton does not have an avatar.

G8 protests in SL

Free Burma in SL

The future


ME: why restrict wikipedia citations? What would wikipedia need to do, in order for it to gain the sort of legitimacy you seem to require ofit?

ME: what do we know about the demographics of web 2.0 users compared to Web 1.0

ME: what was your uni policy on citing wkipedia? What’s the objection, because you seem to celebrate the capacity of web 2.0 in most of what you say.

ME: how much of online advertising is web 2.0 platforms?

ME: WebCameron, but problem is not, how do you know that the communication mode is not politically laden? Is this really intimacy or something much more staged?

ME: expand on social competence.

ME: cannot write of technological limitations, since bandwidth and processor speed really limit use of SL.