Now available: Subject Matters Vol. 3, No. 2/Vol. 4, No. 1

a special issue on ‘Posthuman conditions’ guest edited by Neil Badmington


Introduction: posthuman conditions NEIL BADMINGTON

“ . . . a drowning of the human in the physical”: Jonathan Franzen and the corrections of humanism NEIL BADMINGTON

Critical posthumanism or, the inventio of a posthumanism without technology IVAN CALLUS AND STEFAN HERBRECHTER

Posthuman metamorphosis: narrative and neocybernetics BRUCE CLARKE

From inoculation to vaccination: smallpox and the shifting ground of what it means to be human TERESA HEFFERNAN

Parrots: speech and subjectivity JESSICA MORDSLEY

Plastic man: intersex, humanism and the Reimer case IAIN MORLAND

Mutation, history, and fantasy in the posthuman R. L. RUTSKY

When you can’t believe your eyes: the prosthetics of subjectivity and the ethical force of the feminine in Dancer in the Dark CARY WOLFE

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