Miah, A. (2025, Jan 8) Translating fiction: how AI could assist humans in expanding access to global literature and culture, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/translating-fiction-how-ai-could-assist-humans-in-expanding-access-to-global-literature-and-culture-245320
Miah, A. (2024, Dec 9) Grand Theft Hamlet documentary shines a light on reinventing Shakespeare in a virtual world, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/grand-theft-hamlet-documentary-shines-a-light-on-reinventing-shakespeare-in-a-virtual-world-245498
Miah, A. (2024, Aug 27) ‘Differently abled’: new Paris exhibition reveals how attitudes to paralympic sport have changed, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/differently-abled-new-paris-exhibition-reveals-how-attitudes-to-paralympic-sport-have-changed-237417
Miah, A. (2024, Aug 14) ‘Post Paris success, Olympics eye the future with new sporting formats to widen youth appeal, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/post-paris-success-olympics-eye-the-future-with-new-sporting-formats-to-widen-youth-appeal-236726
Miah, A. (2024, Aug 1) ‘Paris Olympics 2024: faster, higher, stronger – and more data-driven, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/paris-olympics-2024-faster-higher-stronger-and-more-data-driven-235751
Miah, A. (2023, Aug 19) ‘Oppenheimer’ is a warning against the pursuit of STEM for its own sake, Times Higher Education, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/oppenheimer-warning-against-pursuit-stem-its-own-sake
Miah, A. (2023, Aug 10) Canadian government’s battle with big tech platforms and what it means for the future of journalism, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/canadian-governments-battle-with-big-tech-platforms-and-what-it-means-for-the-future-of-journalism-211078
Miah, A. (2022, June 15) The metaverse is much more than a virtual copy of your campus, Times Higher Education, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/metaverse-much-more-virtual-copy-your-campus
Miah, A. (2022, Feb 21) How to use social media more effectively in teaching and research, part one: your recording set-up Times Higher Education: The Campus, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/how-use-social-media-more-effectively-teaching-and-research-part-one-your-recording-setup
Miah, A. (2022, Jan 4 ) After 30 years of STEM, it is time to move on, Times Higher Education, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/opinion/after-30-years-stem-it-time-move
Miah, A. (2020, July 28) Virtual Tour de France shows how esports has come of age during lockdown, The Conversation, Available at: https://theconversation.com/virtual-tour-de-france-shows-how-esports-has-come-of-age-during-lockdown-143547
Miah, A. (2020) Digital homeschooling: we need to rethink our worries about children’s screen time, The Conversation, Available at: https://theconversation.com/digital-homeschooling-we-need-to-rethink-our-worries-about-childrens-screen-time-138914
Miah, A. (2020, April 15) ‘How Our Drone Society was Made by Artists and What it Tells us About Ourselves, CLOT Magazine, Available at: https://www.clotmag.com/oped/how-our-drone-society-was-made-by-artists-and-what-it-tells-us-about-ourselves-by-prof-andy-miah
Miah, A. (2020) Esports and the Beginnings of Transmedia Architecture, The Design Exchange, Available at: https://www.demagazine.co.uk/2020/04/07/esports-and-beginnings-of-transmedia-architecture/
Miah, A. (2020, April 8) Don’t give up on your non-virus-related research, Times Higher Education, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/dont-give-your-non-virus-related-research
Miah, A. (2020) Our Eyes in the Skies, The Big Issue. https://medium.com/@andymiah/living-with-drones-7af964d36f9a
Miah, A. (2019, Nov 1) Are you TikTok Ready? Times Higher Education, https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/are-you-tiktok-ready
Miah, A (2019, October 22) Esports is the future of all sports – here’s why, The Conversation, Available at: https://theconversation.com/esports-is-the-future-of-all-sports-heres-why-121335
Miah, A (2018, Dec 19) NHS in Fortnite and Facebook? It would put mental healthcare where it’s needed. The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/nhs-in-fortnite-and-facebook-it-would-put-mental-healthcare-where-its-needed-107549
Miah, A (2018, Dec 19) Putting the X in Text: Warm wishes or a kiss off?, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/putting-the-x-in-text-warm-wishes-or-a-kiss-off-107020
Miah, A. (2017, March 30) How scientists should communicate their work in a post-truth era, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/how-scientists-should-communicate-their-work-in-a-post-truth-era-75420
Miah, A. (2017, Jan 30) How the drone went from the latest must have tech toy to a billion-dollar cultural phenomenon, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/how-the-drone-went-from-the-latest-must-have-tech-toy-to-a-billion-dollar-cultural-phenomenon-71773
Rich, E. & Miah, A. (2017) How artificial intelligence could provide some respite for the NHS, The Conversation
Miah, A. (2016, ) Will Super Mario ever be an Olympic sport?, The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/will-super-mario-ever-be-an-olympic-sport-64274
Miah, A. (2016, Aug 20) Incredible Images From Rio 2016, As Photographers Rise To Meet Social Media Challenges, The Conversation,
Miah, A. (2016, Aug 19) New Olympic Channel Will Change The Way We Watch Sport Forever – Here's How, The Conversation,
Miah, A. (2016, Aug 18) Why academics should make time for social media, Times Higher Education,
Miah, A. (2016) The A to Z of Social Media for Academia, Times Higher Education,
Miah, A. (2015, April 17) Parties short of ideas on how to secure Britain’s digital future, The Conversation
Miah, A. (2015, March 18) Will Technology Kill Universities?, TIME
Miah, A. (2015, Feb 15) Drones are more than killing machines, but what happens when they become intelligent,The Conversation
Miah, A. (2014, Dec 18) Can a six-second movie be considered art?, The Conversation
Miah, A. (2014, Aug 4) Living without 'Her' [Movie Review], Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2014, April 4) Por que os livros de história devem permanecer abertos para Lance Armstrong, Com Ciencia (Brazil)
Miah, A. (2014, Feb 13) #RingFail -- Why a Broken Ring Matters at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, Inside the Games
Miah, A. (2014, Feb 7) Being Gay at the Sochi Olympics, Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2014, Jan 27) Twitter Journal: Would you share your original research on social media?, The Guardian
Miah, A. (2013, March 15) Raising the digital generation, The Huffington Post
Rich, E. & Miah, A. (2013, March 14) Can Twitter open up a new space for learning, teaching and thinking?The Guardian
Miah, A. (2013, Feb 25) Does technology set us free? Digicult Magazine
Miah, A. (2013 Feb 22) ‘Peculiarities’ not enough to deny Oscar Pistorius bail appealMetro UK
Miah, A. (2013 Feb 22) Oscar Pistorius Granted Bail, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2013 Feb 16) Oscar Pistorius Is More Than Just a Fallen Hero, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2013, Feb 1) De geschiedenis is nog niet klaar met Lance Armstrong, De Morgen (Belgium)
Miah, A. (2013, Jan 30) Lance Armstrong should be celebrated as a pioneer of human enhancement, Wired Magazine
Miah, A. (2012, Dec 21) It's Not the End of the World, Yet, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Oct 15) Happy Birthday To You, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Oct 11) Why Wasn't Lance Armstrong Caught Earlier?, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Sept 10) The Transhuman Paralympic Games, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Sept 9) A Very Olympic Last Night of the Proms, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Aug 17) Pussy Riot Sentence Jeopardises the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Aug 11) Julius Caesar is Victorious at the Olympic Games, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Aug 9) Viewpoint: London 2012, a social media Olympics to remember, BBC Technology Online
Miah, A. (2012, Aug 9) The Olympic Games are over, but the London 2012 festival goes on, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Aug 9) One Day in London During the Olympic Games - A Guide for the Ticketless Olympic Tourist, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, Aug 5) Is this What they meant by the first social media Olympics?,The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, July 30) Your Twitter Guide to the London 2012 Olympic Games,The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, July 29) Olympic legacy for higher education: Who will take the podium?, University World News
Miah, A. (2012, July 29) London 2012: The first social media Olympic opening ceremony, Metro Newspaper
Miah, A. (2012, July 13) Why Oscar Pistorius Has Already Made History and Why It's a Good Thing for Everyone, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2012, July 11) Physical inactivity kills, but who cares?, Metro Newspaper
Miah, A. (2012, July 11) Oscar Pistorius makes a ‘One Games’ future more likely, Metro Newspaper
Miah, A. (2011, December 8) Bioart is Changing the World, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2011, Nov 24) Media Ethics: Is the Sky Falling? The Huffington Post.
Miah, A. (2011, Oct 26) People should be free to take smart drugs if they choose to, The Independent
Miah, A. (2011, Feb 11) What Has the Internet Ever Done for Art? The Google Art Project and the Missing Net Art Movement, The Huffington Post.
Miah, A. (2011, Jan 24) Has the Business Card Finally Had its Day?, The Huffington Post.
Miah, A. (2010, Sept 10) Will Citizen Journalists Take Over the London 2012 Olympic Games?, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2010, Aug 31) The Human Centipede -- a Film Essay, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2010, March 2) From Vancouver 2010 to London 2012, The Huffington Post.
Miah, A. (2010, Feb 20) Why Britain's Media are Failing at The Vancouver Olympic Games, The Huffington Post.
Miah, A. (2010, Feb 17) Doping at the Vancouver Olympics, The Huffington Post
Miah, A. (2010, Feb 16) Augmented Reality and Olympic Sport, The Huffington Post.
Miah, A. (2010, Feb 12) The Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games, The Huffington Post.
Miah, A. (2010, Feb 8) The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games: Predicting The First Major Controversy -- New Media Activism, The Huffington Post.
2008 and previous
Miah, A. (2008) Enhanced Athletes? It's Only Natural, The Washington Post.
Miah, A. (with Matthew Syed) (2006, Oct 18) Digital era taking fans closer to action, The Times, p.82.
Miah, A. (2006). Is Sport Winning the War on Drugs? No. The Guardian. London: p.7.
Miah, A. (with Kayser, B. and Mauron, A.) (2006, Jan 17) En termes de sante publique, la guerre antidopage purrait bien etre un non-sens, Le Monde, p.3.
Miah, A. (2005, Sept) Genetically Modified Athletes, Science & Public Affairs, Magazine of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.
Miah, A. (2005, Aug) Is ‘Gene Doping’ Wrong?’, Project Syndicate (Newswire), New York.
Miah, A. (2004, Aug 13). Why I believe…that genetic modification might be good for sport and society The Times Higher Education Supplement. London, p.14.
Miah, A. (2004, Aug 1). Genetically Modified Athletes in Athens? Bring them on. The Observer. London, p.9.
Miah, A. (2001, June 1) Soapbox: Why I...believe that genetically engineered athletes might not be cheating, Times Higher Education Supplement, London, p.16.
Miah, A. (2001, April 25) The International Olympic Committee Guarantees Fair Play, Campus Review: Australasia’s Higher Education Newspaper.
Miah, A. (2000, Feb 5) Enter the Superkid, New Scientist, 2224, 54.
Miah, A. (1999, April 2) Readers’ Response to Bill Gates’ new book ‘Business@the Speed of Thought’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 16.
Miah, A. (1999, May 21) Readers’ Response to article about genetically engineering disability, Times Higher Education Supplement, 20.