This last few days, I have been working with an amazing group of people from Salford in producing the Virtual Chernobyl Experience around the 30th Anniversary of the Disaster.
This video is still the best overview of what we did.
All of these people need credit for their extraordinary efforts in making it happen. They all came through at short notice and put time in well beyond the job description and they are all yet more reasons for why I feel very lucky at Salford to have such talented, versatile people.
They are:
Dr Mike Wood, Lead Scientist - will literally fly through the night to get the job done
Simon Campion - VR wizard who worked the Oculus content
Mikhail Polshaw - VR go to for 360 rendering at short notice
Dr Gary Kerr - sci comm agitator, evaluator, and all round 'can doer'
Ross Fawkes - science guy, PhD aspiring
Moo - puts radiation detectors on Reindeer
Rosie Mawdsley - Producing ninja at MSI Manchester
Justin Webb - Press master at MSI
Gareth Holllyman - Press 2.0 doer at Salford Uni
Nicol Caplin - the fastest sci comm'r in town. all the way up from Bristol
Darren Langlands - videographer at Salford Uni
...and a whole bunch of STEM volunteers who went the extra mile
And here's what we did...CBBC Newsround