
I took these photographs during the rehearsal on 25th July. If you'd like explanations, read LOCOG's media guide alongside. The English Meadow - life as we imagine it used to be


 The Olympic Bell - the largest harmonically tuned bell in the world, represents London, a city of bells

The RSPCA was consulted extensively on the use of animals within the ceremony and you might have noticed that they all left for bed just before it got noisy.


The Blue panels symbolized the ocean, surrounding the Isles of Wonder

The countdown balloons - did you spot the one that floated into the sky to record the journey?

Isambard Kingdom Brunel arrives and performs from Shakespeare's Caliban, symbolizing the start of the Industrial revolution that changed the world

The labour force arrives unearthing the natural world

The Suffragettes arrive to proclaim equal opportunities for women

The 5th Olympic ring is forged by the workers, perhaps symbolizing Britain's past contribution to reuniting the world in times of trouble, by hosting two Games when there were no other alternative hosts.

The formal protocol elements

Representatives from the National Health Service and the Great Ormond Street Hospital

Mary Poppins and characters from Harry Potter symbolize Britain's contribution to children's literature

The 1960s  arrive and herald a new modern era, quickly followed by the 70s, 80s, and 90s

Akram Khan concludes the formal elements with a beautiful choreography symbolizing humanity's mortality