Design Interactions Master Degree (2006-2009)

(image by Michael Burton, featured in Human Futures)

In an attempt to keep up with my social media content, I've been uploading some past presentations to slideshare, notably those I've given at the RCA degree. Having Prof Anthony Dunne and company present at #ANDfest last week reminded me that I've been down there every year since 2006.

2009: Human Enhancement Technologies: How To Ensure Early Adoptions

[slideshare id=5400721&doc=miah2009rca-101009095530-phpapp02 450 300]

2008: NanoCultures: On Speculation, Bioethics and Paranoia

[slideshare id=5400434&doc=miah2008nanocultures-101009084915-phpapp02 450 300]

2007: Robots, Prosthesis & Artificial Life

[slideshare id=5400455&doc=miah2007robotsairca-101009085359-phpapp01 450 300]

2006: Posthuman Designs

[slideshare id=5400472&doc=posthumandesigns-101009085855-phpapp02 450 300]