Social Media: Uses and Abuses
Provisional Outline for the Day:
Room: David Wilson Library, First floor, Seminar Room 1
10.00am Session on Twitter (for those who want to set up on their laptop phone) – Jennifer Jones & Jake Fudge
10.30am Registration opens (Tea and Coffee)
10.50am Housekeeping, explanation of one-tweet initiative and details of blog. Participants will be asked to tweet once after every session – to round up thoughts and summarize discussion. This can be tagged #usesandabuses so that we can track conversation throughout the day. Can be followed on (large screen) – or using online tools. Speakers will be asked to pose the audience one question to take away from their talk and to be discussed within the breakout sessions. - Jennifer Jones
11.00am Welcome from Department of Media and Communications/University of Leicester Barrie Gunter
Iran Twitter 1 millionth word in eng language = web 2.0
11.15pm Gillian Youngs Title of talk: Social ‘Me’-dia: real-time connections and virtual identity
Social media is not new. Sociospatial/geospatial realities
Beijing UN Women’s conference -
12.00pm PhD Panel : 15 mins x participant. Jin Shang Title of talk: Jennifer Jones Title of talk: Tia Azulay (DMU – MA Online Writing) Title of talk:
Each participant finishes the presentation with a question to ask audience, which can be discussed during the breakout session.
12.45pm Breakout session (which can continue whilst lunch is being served.) PhD panel will take a group each, alongside designated facilitators (to guide conversation) – discuss questions posed by speakers and summarise discussion by tweeting once
Jennifer Jones
Internet as an object vs social space Self-defined user
Creative Cuppa: Switch ON/OFF of ‘Digital Community’ Jin Shang
A Creative Writer Explores Social Media TiaTALK.WORDPRESS.COM
Another perfec world – on 4od 1.00pm Lunch
5 of top 10 novels in japan was written on a cell phone
twitterature – redoing the classics twitterarti
1.45pm Andy Miah Title of talk: Details of talk: Q +A Question to ask audience for break session.
2.30pm Toby Moores Title of talk: Details of talk: Q+A Question to ask audience for break session.
Quick, audioboo, 12seconds
Reuters event cast - bring in voices of informed public, who had become separate from media/political/celebrity
we can capture the voice that we hadn’t heard before (public)
content and conversation coming together
this is what we should be doing:
aggregation mediation augmentation
3.15pm Breakout Session – discussion, leading into…
3.30pm Tea and Coffee
3.45pm Rachel Gibson Title of talk: Details of talk: Q+A: Question to ask audience for break session.
New Media and Barack Obama Before obama, feeling that not much change happening from perspective of politics
What did the Obama campaign do differently? - the obama website. Facebook, flickr, you tube, website was the main thing - gave users control to affect
iphone application
Vote Different video on youtube
Components of campaign - hub: mybo - spokes: email, rss, sms, - 3rd party platform – blogosphere, social networking
reversal of professionalization – towards amateurization
Pew Internet and American Life 200 - campaign stats - 56% active online in relation to presidential campaign - 18% forward another’s commentary
4.30pm Panel Discussion: Leicester Politics and Social Media Ross Grant Jamie Potter Keith Perch (TBC)
5.10pm Break out session – speakers and facilitators
5.40pm Round up of tweets from one tweet iniciative, information about follow up.
6.00pm Close.