jean-loup chappelet tale of two cities

winter olympics in the alps

only 4 alpine cities

innsbrock 1964 and 1976 grenoble torino

compare legacy of t three cities,

grenoble 1968 - develop fench ski industry - catch up w growing popn - spread out - fist antidoping tests for winter - first mascot - first colour tv broadcast - 3alpine gold

innsbruck - replaced denver in 76 (which renounced) - saved winter games - brundage wanted rid of the winter games - wanted die einfachen spiele - compact games, short distances - furthest venue only 33 km away - first heavy security games after munich - first combined artificial bob and luge runs

30-40 yrs later - legacy?

sport - grenoble: all facilities destroyed or abandoned except one 10000 seat arena and small ski jump - almost no large sacpe sport event after - not a cause of t rise of cross-country skiing in france - innsbruck -- all facilities used,etc --- olympia world innsbruck

urban - grenoble -- totally transformed city in less than 4yrs -- many new landmarks: city hall, terain station, post office, hospital, cultural center, campus ,monumental sculptures -- olmpic village becomes new toan innsbruck76 -- few changes

infrastruct grenoble - new transport and telecom innsburck - some changes, ski lifts, etrrtc

economic - grenoble: low tourism innsvburck: high tourist, low industrial

grenoble and innsbruick - two v diff legacies, each worthy


torino legacy - probably besrt of Grenoble - infrastruct and economic - c ity  tranformed - prob not a winter sport city like innnsbruck, but new mega events likely - cultural tourism

Economic Analysis of Berne 2010 - formercandidate ctiy c stofer

bid stopped by democratic bid - not wwilllingto bid then and not willing to fund

framework -sports event as part ofsport industry -- not like other industries - not calculated by gov --- makes diffi for sports to be accepted in pujblic opinion

starting posn - missing basic info on economic impact of 2010 - mising basc of political debate in berne - missing info to generate t canddature file

objectives -qualitative analysis of t economic effects of berne 2010 - quant analysis of t economic effects of berne2010

method - lit - key factors - expert workshops 3 - estimatiom of economic key factors


online sport communication alma mater studiorum

27 italian sport teams websites

communicative capabilities

comparative analysis

hyp: most imp teams of each sports use more efficiently the web

theoretical foundations - alexander, lazarsfeld, talcott parsons, donati

multidimensional communication -

how can i measure t comm capability orf asport website

recog dimensions

4 dimensions - persuasive, knowl, communitarian, identitarian (parsons) sub-dimensions

AM: are all parts of italy equally well serviced for web? broadband, wireless? mobile access

REsnicks hypothesis: - normalization of cyberspace

sponsorship and wog: t digital era chris and josep

Manuel Castells info soc did not go unnoticed new ways of connecting communities

analysis of sponsors display to customer

kodak provided revenue for athens 1896 TOP programme from 1985 -TOP VI: Turin to Beijing (2005-2008) - US$886m

OG in Internet Era - Tokyo 1964 - watershed - first  satellite and compujtes - First internet exp: atlanta1996 --11m hits per dy for web - ibm tackled probs of nagano 998 - conflict in sydney2000 -- first game w imopact in devel countries -- over 11,000m hits during 16 days , 100m for atlanta - merge and in SLC2002 -- 3m unique visitors per day -- wk before, ioc launched

analysis of comparative matrix

all top partners had own website

AM: people dont use websites anymore

only 3 of top had mascots

no ioc web until 1995

AM: where do people go for their Olympic info?

only coca cola created a specific site

AM: what did people use it for?

only 5 top offer ablog for athlettes

AM: what was the nature of this blog?

increased role of internet providers

role of - 3 top partners