Cultura Visuale in Italia. Prospettive per la comparatistica letterariaInternational Conference

Organisation: Ministero dell'Istruzione, del'Universit? e della Ricerca scientifica PRIN  2005 | Universit? di Palermo | Facolt? di Scienze  della Formazione | Dipartimento di Arti e  Comunicazioni | Centre Culturel Fran?ais |  Istituto Svizzero di Roma |  Associazione  Siciliana Amici della Musica | Alitalia |  Feedback | :duepunti edizioni | Broadway Libreria  dello Spettacolo | Master in Comunicazione e  Cultura Visuale | Laboratorio di Cultura Visuale  | Con il Patrocinio del Senato della Repubblica

Conference Organizer: Prof. Dr. Michele Cometa,  Dipartimento di Arti e Comunicazioni, Universit? degli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze,  edificio 15, 90128 Palermo, Italy (e-mail:

Palermo, Jolly Hotel Via Foro Italico 22, 90133 Palermo (PA) ITALY

Research concerning the interrelation between  literature and visual culture is by now a  well-established international tradition showing  remarkable progress also in Italy. National  philology especially (German, English, French,  etc), theory of literature and comparative  literature have amply acknowledged and developed  international stimuli both on a theoretical level  and on an applicative one. In the last decades of  the twentieth century, in particular, we have  witnessed a renewal of the debate on the  "reciprocal illumination between the arts"  obviously encouraged by the still growing role  that images have "for" literature, "in"  literature (the problem of explicitly intermedial  production) and in the "system of literature" as  a whole (distribution etc.). The meeting intends to define the methodological  bases for a comparative study of literature and  visual culture that is fundamental both at the  level of literary theory - which has always shown  meticulous interest with regard to the  relationship between verbal and visual, that  today seems to be at the core of the cultural  debate - , and at the level of the contribution  that this connection may be able to provide to  the redefinition of the role that literature can  and must acquire within the field of Cultural  Studies and Communication Studies. The aim of this project is focused upon the  analysis of literary phenomena moving from the  alterations that the gaze (individual and  social), the optical devices/media (from the  camera obscura to the cinema) and the new images  produce upon literature both on a thematic level  (media and gaze as literary themes) and on that  of writing, in the strict sense of the word  (literary optics, ?kphrasis, etc.). In such a view the comparative study of  "literacy" and "visual literacy" can contribute  to reinforce the role of literary studies in the  constitution of interpretative paradigms of our  society, therefore avoiding the isolation of  literature from the most productive and the  widest context of the study of cultures. The research project in particular intends to  focus its attention - in accordance with the  competences already acquired by each scholar that  is part of this work unit - upon three  fundamental phases of the encounter between  literature and visual culture: 1) a  pre-photographic phase which will look at the  presence in literature of the gaze changes  produced by visual technologies such as camera  obscura, microscope, telescope etc., up to the  invention of photography (which is to say, a  period that extends from Pre-romanticism to  Naturalism); 2) a post-photography phase which  will concentrate upon the encounter between photography and literature both on a biographic  level (writers-photographers) and on the most  crucial level of the modifications imposed by  photography as a means of communication to  literary; 3) a pre- and post-cinema phase in  which, beyond the problem relative to the  adaptation, the purpose will be to highlight how  cinema, as an instrument of communication, and  film writing have shaped and modified literary  writing.


Thursday September 28, 3.30 p.m.


Chairman Camilla Miglio

Hans Belting (IFK, University of Vienna) Per un'iconologia dello sguardo

W. J. T. Mitchell (University of Chicago) Realism and the Digital Image Discussion

Friday September 29, 9.00 a.m. Chairman Maria Luisa Roli

Ulrich Stadler (University of Zurich) Besser sehen, anders sehen. ?ber den wissenschaftlichen und poetischen Umgang mit visueller Erfahrung

10.00 a.m. Coffee break

Michele Cometa (University of Palermo) Letteratura e cultura visuale nell'era prefotografica

Giovanni Sampaolo (University of Rome) Skia-graphia: silhouettes, ombre cinesi e letteratura intorno al 1800

Rita Calabrese (University of Palermo) Con gli occhi di un'ebrea: Dorothea Mendelssohn Veit Schlegel

Friday September 29, 4.00 p.m. Chairman Federico Bertoni

Philippe Hamon (University of Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle) La litt?rature, la ligne, le point et le plan

5.00 p.m. Coffee break

Silvia Albertazzi (University of Bologna) Letteratura e cultura visuale nell'era della fotografia

Ferdinando Amigoni (University of Bologna) Gli strani grovigli del vedere: Celati, Ghirri, Herzog

Donata Meneghelli (University of Bologna) "Il cervello comincia dall'occhio". Raccontare le immagini, raccontare con le immagini

Saturday September 30, 9.00 a.m. Chairman Lucia Mor

Andreas Beyer (University of Basel) Il volto. Descritto. Dipinto. Letto

10.00 a.m. Coffee break

Massimo Fusillo (Universit? dell'Aquila) Letteratura e cultura visuale nell'era del cinema

Clotilde Bertoni (Universit? di Palermo) Giornalismo nel cinema e cinema giornalistico

Vincenzo Maggitti (Universit? dell'Aquila) Il "pictorial turn" nel racconto letterario del film

Saturday September 30, 4.00 p.m. Chairman Mauro Ponzi

Cultura visuale in Italia. Prospettive a confronto Round table: Antonio Bellingreri, Maurizio Cardaci, Ivano Cavallini, Gabriella De Marco, Francesco Faeta, Filippo Fimiani, Francesco Galluzzi, Fabio Lo Verde, Giuseppe Pucci, Antonio Somaini

5.30 p.m. Coffee break

Giulio Iacoli introduces the director Antonio Capuano

Roberta Coglitore introduces the photographer Giovanni Chiaramonte

Conclusions Michele Cometa

Languages: French, English, Italian, German

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