I'm not sure how to begin this entry, but it feels like one of the most wonderful things to write about. I saw my (philosopher) friend Claudio Tamburrini last week at the Oxford ENHANCE meeting where he was 'forced' into telling me that his book 'Pase Libre' has been made into a movie called: Crónica de una fuga.

The book - in English 'free pass/kick' (as in soccer) is about a young football player in Argentina who was taken captive by a 'task group' working for the Argentine military government.

It was great to talk with him about the process and, by all accounts, it seems already to have been received incredibly well in Argentina, where Claudio has spent the last, tiring month. It has been included in this year's Official Selection at Cannes!

Claudio sent me a copy of the book a couple of years ago and I have just seen a glimpse of the website trailers. It looks fantastic and evidently with a great crew. The lead man who plays Claudio is Rodrigo de la Serna (The Motorcycle Diaries - plays travelling companion to Che Guevara, played by Gael Garcia Bernal) and the Director is Adrien Caetano.

So it is now my mission in life to advertise this widely and unashamedly. Although, with 20th Century Fox distributing, I guess they don't need much help.

By the way, Claudio is now looking for an anglo-saxon publisher to translate his book. Any offers?