Locating Technoscience: the geographies of science, technology and politics Dear All,

We hope that people might be interested in news of a forthcoming ESRC seminar series 'Locating Technoscience: The geographies of science, technology and politics'.  The series aims to build on dialogue about the spatiality of science, emerging from within human geography and science and technology studies, to share insights, foster new links between these disciplinary perspectives and generate new understandings on the project of tracing a geography of science.  There is more information on the aims and format for the seminar series on the web site http://www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/locating-technoscience/

The series will be starting with a conference at UCL on Tuesday 11th April 2006 on the topic of 'Making space for Science', featuring presentations from Dr. Andrew Lakoff (University of California, San Diego), Professor David Livingstone (Queen's University Belfast), and Professor Sarah Whatmore (Oxford University) and structured discussions to develop intra and inter disciplinary discussion around the geographies of science.  Future events will be a mix of smaller specialist workshops, and a closing conference scheduled for July 2007.

Spaces are filling up fast for the opening event, but we still have a few spaces left for those who are interested.  If you 'd like to register your interest in this meeting, or any of the subsequent ones, please use the on-line form . As we have limited places left for many seminars, we'll get back in touch to confirm attendance.

with best wishes

Gail Davies

Dr. Gail Davies Lecturer in Human Geography Department of Geography University College London 26 Bedford Way London WC1H 0AP

phone: 020 7679 5557 fax: 020 7679 7565

