Miah, A. (2025) Neuralink as an Evolutionary and Ethical Imperative: On Biopolitics, Bioethics, and Billionaires, in, James J. Hughes , Steven Umbrello and Cristiano Calì (Eds.) The Biopolitics of Human Enhancement, De Gruyter. DOI:


Miah, A. (2024) Contemporary Sport and its Implications for the Olympic Games, Olympic Essentials Collection, International Olympic Committee https://library.olympics.com/Default/doc/SYRACUSE/3415474/contemporary-sport-and-its-implications-for-the-olympic-games-by-andy-miah?_lg=en-GB


Miah, A. (2023). The Moral Metaverse: Establishing an Ethical Foundation for XR Design. In Understanding Virtual Reality (pp. 112-128). Routledge



Miah, A. (2021) cDNA: Designating the Cyborg, in Michałowska, M, (Ed.) Crossing the Border of Humanity: Cyborgs in Ethics, Law, and Art, Proceedings of the International Online Conference December 14−15, 2021 Medical University of Łódź, Poland, pp.65-67.

Miah, A. (2021) The Esports Question for the Olympic Movement, Journal of Olympic Studies, 2, Available at: https://olympicstudies.org/the-esports-question/

Miah, A. (2021) cDNA: Designating the Cyborg, in Michałowska, M, (Ed.) Crossing the Border of Humanity: Cyborgs in Ethics, Law, and Art, Proceedings of the International Online Conference December 14−15, 2021 Medical University of Łódź, Poland, pp.65-67.


Rich, E., Lewis, S. and Miah, A. (2020) Digital Health Technologies, Body Pedagogies, and Material-Discursive Relations of Young People’s Learning About Health. In Leahy, D., Fitzpatrick, K. and Wright, J. (Eds.) Social Theory and Health Education: Forging New Insights in Research, Oxon: Routledge, pp.182-195.

Miah, A., Fenton, A., and Chadwick, S. (2020) Virtual Reality & Sports: The Rise of Mixed, Augmented, Immersive, and Esports Experiences, in 21st Century Sports: How Technologies Will Change Sports in the Post-digital Age.

Slack, T. & Miah, A. (2020) Technology in Sports Organizations. In Thurston, A. and Byers, T. (Eds.) Understanding Sports Organizations: Applications for Sport Managers. Human Kinetics, pp.377-393.

Miah, A. and Fenton, A. (2020) Esport in the Olympic & Paralympic Games: The Case for Inclusion. In Chatziefstathiou, D. (Ed). International Handbook of Olympic and Paralympic Games, Routledge.

Miah, A. (2020) Life Extension and Immortality, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism.

Miah, A. (2020). How do esports companies support their community’s wellness?. International Journal of Esports, 1(1).

Miah, A. (2020) The Technological Imperative Within the Enhancement Debate, HED Matters, https://humanenhancementdrugs.com/wp-content/uploads/ISSN-HED-Matters-2020-Vol-3-Issue-1.pdf


Miah, A. (2019) Enhancing Evolution: The Transhuman Case for Gene Doping. In: Lightfoot, J.T, Hubal, M.J. and Stephen M. Roth (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Exercise Systems Genetics. Oxon: Routledge, pp.463-474.

Rich, E., Miah, A., & Lewis, S. (2019). Is digital health care more equitable? The framing of health inequalities within England's digital health policy 2010–2017. Sociology of health & illness, 41, 31-49.


Miah, A. (2017) Sport’s Digital Future: Biodigital Design, E-Sport, Mixed Reality, Fan Engagement, & Gamification, in Bundon, A. (Ed.) Digital Qualitative Research in Sport & Physical Activity., London & New York, Routledge. pp.166-171. ISBN: 978-1-138-23553-3

Miah, A. (2017) Overview of a current ethical challenge in anti-doping. In Rigozzi, A., Wisnosky, E. and Quinn, B. (Eds.) The proceedings of the 2017 Macolin Anti-Doping Summit. Bern, Editions Weblaw, pp.159-170 ISBN: 978-3-906836-96-6

Miah, A. (2017) Nanoethics, Science Communication, and a Fourth Model for Public Engagement, Nanoethics, 11(2), 139-152


Rich, E. & Miah. A. (2016) Mobile, wearable and ingestible health technologies: towards a critical research agenda, Health Sociology Review, 26(1), 84-97.


Miah, A. (2015) Human Enhancement & SportConvergence in Science & Technology (Second Edition), Springer Reference.

Miah, A. (2015) ArtConvergence in Science & Technology (Second Edition), Springer Reference.

Miah, A. (2015) Human Enhancement in Sport. Global Handbook on Bioethics, Springer Reference


Miah, A. (2014) Bioarte: Actuacion Transhumana y Posthumana, in Figueroa Sarriera, H.J., Gordon Lopez, A., and de Rivera, A. Teknokultua Entre Dos Siglos: Technociencia, Arte, y Cultura, Madrid, Catarata, p.79-99.

Miah, A. & Rich, E. (2014) Editorial, eMethods & Web Society, Health & Society [Italian], Bologna, FrancoAngeli. pp.11-17.

Miah, A. (2014) The CyberSport Nexus, in Billings, A.& Hardin, M. The Routledge Handbook of Sport and New Media, Oxon & New York, Routledge, pp.76-86.

Miah, A. (2014)  Tweeting the Olympic Games, in Girginov, V. The Routledge Handbook of the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games, Volume 2, Oxon, Routledge, pp.96-109.

Miah, A. (2014)  Bioart, in Ranish, R. & Sorgner, S. Posthumanism and Transhumanism., Frankfurt, Peter Lang, pp.227-240.

Miah, A. & Rich, E. (2014) Editoriale, in Corposanto, C. & Lombi, L. e-Methods and Web Society, Salute e Societa (Health and Society), 11-17.

Rich, E. & Miah, A. (2014) Understanding Digital Health as Public Pedagogy: A Critical Framework, Societies4(2), 296-315


Miah, A. (2013) Justifying Human Enhancement: The Accumulation of Biocultural Capital, in More, M. & Vita More, N. (Eds) The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.


Miah, A. & Jones, J. (2012) The Olympic Movement’s New Media Revolution: Monetization, Open Media & Intellectual Property, In: Wagg, S. & Lenskyj, H. Handbook of Olympic Studies, Palgrave, pp.274-288.

Miah, A. (2012) Genetics & Sport: Bioethical Concerns, Recent Patents on DNA and Gene Sequences, 6(3), 197-202.

Miah, A. (2012) How Do You Infuse Culture with the Olympics?Culture @ the Olympics, 14(8), 58-63.

Miah, A. (2012) “This is for Everyone”:The London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony as a Cultural CelebrationCulture @ the Olympics, 14(7), 44-57.

Miah, A. (2012) The London 2012 Social Media OlympicsCulture @ the Olympics, 14(6), 40-43.

Miah, A. (2012) Twenty Twelve vs. The Games: The Art of Olympic SatireCulture @ the Olympics, 14(5), 35-39.

Miah, A. & Garcia, B. (2012) Introduction to 2012 Edition, Culture @ the Olympics, 14(1), 1-2.


Miah, A. (2011) Ethical Issues Raised by Human Enhancements, in: Gonzalez, F. Ethics and Values for the 21st Century, BBVA Spain, 199-233 [Also in Spanish].

Adi, A. & Miah, A. (2011) Yahoo!, in Barnett, G. Encyclopedia of Social Networks, SAGE.

Miah, A. (2011) New Media, in Bainbridge, W.S.J. (Ed) Leadership in Science and Technology. SAGE Reference, 264-271

Miah, A. & Jones, J. (2011) Virtual Worlds, in Barnett, G. Encyclopedia of Social Networks, SAGE.

Miah, A. (2011) Biotechnology, Bioethics & Bioart, in Future : Content, It's Nice That.

Miah, A. (2011) The Future of Musical Intelligence, in Miranda, E. Mozart Reloaded. Sargasso Publishing.

Miah. A. (2011) The Worth of the International Olympic Academy. 50th Anniversary book of the International Olympic Academy, IOA Greece.

Miah, A. (2011) Physical Enhancement: The State of the Art, in Savulescu, J., Meulen, R.T., & Kahane, G. Enhancing Human Capacities. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp.266-273.

Miah, A. (2011) Towards Web 3.0: Mashing Up Work & Leisure. In: Bramham, P. & Wagg, S. The New Politics of Leisure & Pleasure. Palgrave. 136-152.

Miah, A. (2011) Bioethical Concerns in a Culture of Human EnhancementIn Bouchard, C. & Hoffman, E. Encyclopedia of Sports Medicine, Genetic and Molecular Aspects of Sport Performance. Lausanne, International Olympic Committee, 383-392.

Adi, A. & Miah, A. (2011) Open Source Protest: Rights, Online Activism, and the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, in Cottle, S. & Lester, L. Transnational Protests and the Media. Peter Lang,213-224.

Miah, A. (2011) #Media2012: Media Blueprint for London 2012, Culture @ the Olympics, 13(1), 1-6.

Miah, A. (2011) Ambush Media & the OlympicsCulture @ the Olympics, 13(4), 24-26.


Miah, A. (2010) Bioethics, in Barnett, G. & Guston, D.H. Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, SAGE Reference.

Miah, A. & Rich, E. (2010) The Bioethics of Cybermedicalization, in Nayar, P. The New Media and Cybercultures Anthology, Wiley-Blackwell, 209-220.

Miah, A. (2010) The DREAM Gene: Reducing Exercise-Induced Pain Sensations Using Gene Transfer. For Sands, R. and Moore, P. Anthropology of Sport and Human Movement. Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc, pp.327-341.

Drake P. & Miah, A. (2010) The Cultural Politics of Celebrity, Cultural Politics.


Miah, A. (2009) 2029. In: Stubbs, M. & Newman, K. We are the Real-Time Experiment. Liverpool University Press.

Miah, A. (2009) The Ethics of Human Enhancement in Sport. In: Luppicini, R. & Rebecca Adell. Handbook of Research on Technoethics. Idea Group Publishing, pp.69-84.

Miah, A. & Rich, E. (2009) The Body, Health and Illness. In: Albertazzi, D. & Cobley, P. The Media: An Introduction (Third Edition). Pearson.

Miah, A. (2009) ‘Blessed Are the Forgetful’: The Ethics of Memory Modification in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. In Shapshay, S. (Ed) Bioethics at the Movies, Johns Hopkins University Press.

Miah, A. (with Rich, E.) (2009) Gene Manipulation, in Atkinson, M. (2009) Battleground Sports. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 185-191.

Wackerage, H., Miah, A., Harris, R.C., Montgomery, H.E. and Williams, A.G. (2009) Genetic Research and Testing in Sport and Exercise Science: A review of the issues’, Journal of Sport Sciences, 27(11), 1109-1116

Miah, A. (2009) Human Enhancement in Performative Cultures, Annales de Philosophie, pp.171-192.

Miah, A. (2009) Human Enhancement: A Reply to Mehlman, Issues in Science and Technology, 5(4), 6-8.

Miah, A. (2009) Medicalization, Biomedicalization, or Biotechnologization? Biocultural Capital and a New Social Order, Salute e Società / Health and Society (Italian), special edition ‘The Medicalization of Life’, edited by Maturo A. & Conrad, 8(2), pp.248-251 [dual published in Italian, pp.264-267].

Rich E. & Miah, A. (2009) Prosthetic Surveillance: The medical governance of healthy bodies in cyberspace, Surveillance and Society, 6(2), 163-177.


Dunne, A., Raby, F. & Miah, A. (2008) Screening for Undesirable Genes: The Evidence Dolls Project, in Miah, A. (2008). Human Futures: Art in an Age of Uncertainty (Liverpool University Press & FACT).

Miah, A. (2008) A Critical history of Posthumanism. In: Chadwick, R. & Gordijn, B. Medical Enhancements and Posthumanity. Springer.

Miah, A. Garcia, B. & Zhihui, T. (2008) We Are the Media: Alternative Voices and Non-Accredited Media at the Olympic Games. In Dayan, D. & Price, M. Owning the Olympics: Narratives of the New China. University of Michigan Press pp.320-345.

Miah, A. (2008) Section Introduction: Ethical Considerations of Human Performance Optimisation. In Taylor, N.A.S., Groeller, H. & McLennan, P.L. ‘Physiological Bases of Human Performance During Work and Exercise, Elsevier.

Miah, A. (2008) A Deep Blue Grasshopper: Playing Games with Artificial Intelligence. In Hales, Benjamin. Philosophy Looks at Chess, Open Court Press.

Miah, A. (2008) Inside the mind of a marathon runner, Nature, 454, 583-4.

Miah, A. (2008) Letter to Utopia: A Reply to Bostrom, Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology, 2(1), 1-6.

Miah, A. (2008) Engineering Greater Resilience or Radical Transhuman Enhancement, Studies in Ethics, Law and Technology, 2(1), 1-18.


Miah, A. (2007) Retórica Moral. Ética Aplicada e Doping Genético. In: Rubio, Katia; Reppold Filho, Alberto Reinaldo; Todt, Nelson Schneider; Mesquita, Roberto Maluf De. Ética E Compromisso Social Nos Estudos Olímpicos. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS, pp.27-40.

Miah, A. & Garcia, B. (2007) Non-Accredited Media, Olympic Games and the Host City. in Sport & Media. [translated into Chinese-Mandarin].

Miah, A. (2007) Genetic Selection for Enhanced Health Characteristics, Journal of International Biotechnology Law, 4(6), 239-264.

Miah, A. (2007) Genetics, Bioethics & Sport, Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 1(2), 146-158.

Kayser, B., Mauron, A. & Miah, A. (2007) Current Anti-Doping Policy: A Critical Appraisal, Biomedical Central Medical Ethics, 8(2), doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-8.2.


Miah, A. (2006) Therapeutische ingrepen, niet-therapeutische ingrepen en prestatieverbetering, in Hilvoorde, I. van & Pasveer, B. (eds.). Beter dan Goed. Over genetica en de toekomst van topsport. Diemen: Veen Magazines, pp.138-149 [Dutch].

Miah, A. (2005) Gene Doping: The Shape of Things to Come. In Tamburrini, C.M. and Tannsjo, T. (Eds.)  Genetic Technology and Sport: Ethical Questions. London and New York: Routledge, pp.42-53 [ISBN: 0-415-34237-6].

Miah, A. (2003) Patenting Human DNA, in B. Almond and M. Parker (Eds) Ethical Issues in the New Genetics: Are genes us? Aldershot, Ashgate, pp.111-117.

Miah, A. (2003) Gene-Doping: Sport, Values & Bioethics. In Glasa, J. (Ed.) The Ethics of Human Genetics. Strasburg, Council of Europe, pp.171-180 [ISBN: 80-88743-51-6].

Miah, A. (2003) …/cybersex/no_gender/no_sexuality/no_body.htmlIn S. LaFont (Ed.) Constructing Sexualities: Readings in Sexuality, Gender, & Culture, New York, Prentice Hall, pp.362-370.

Miah, A. (2001) Simulating Sport In Virtual Arenas. Proceedings of the 11th Association of Sports Information World Congress, Sports Information In The 3rd Millennium. Lausanne, Olympic Museum.

Miah, A. (2001) The Olympic Games and the Cyborg-Athlete: Any Room for Improvement?, Proceedings of the 8th International Post-Graduate Seminar on Olympic Studies, International Olympic Academy, Athens, pp.264-277.

Miah, A. (2000) “New Balls Please”: Tennis, Technology, and the Changing Game. In S. Haake and A.O. Coe (Eds) Tennis, Science, & Technology. London: Blackwell Science, 285-292.

Miah, A. (2000) The Human Rights of the Genetically Engineered Athlete, How you play the Game: the contribution of sport to the protection of human rights, University of Technology Sydney, pp.69-77.

Miah, A. (2006) Rethinking Enhancement in Sport, in Bainbridge, W.S. and M.C. Roco Progress in Convergence, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol, 1093, pp.301-320.

Miah, A. (with Rich, E.) (2006) The Value of an Open Future: Ability, Talent Identification & Genetic Determinism, Sport, Education & Society, 11(3), 259-273.

Miah, A. (with Keyser, B. & Mauron, A.) (2005) Viewpoint: Legalisation of performance-enhancing drugs. The Lancet, Special Supplement on Sport & Medicine, Dec, 366, S21.

Miah, A. (2005) Genetics, Cyberspace and Bioethics: Why Not a Public Engagement with Ethics? Public Understanding of Science 14(4), 409-421. [Ranking 2004 Social Science Edition: 4/27 (History & Philosophy of Science) 20/40 (Communication) Impact Factor 0.739] [ISSN: 0963-6625].

Miah, A. (2005) From Anti-Doping to a ‘Performance Policy’: Sport Technology, Being Human and Doing Ethics, European Journal of Sport Science, 5(1): 51-57 [ISSN: 1746-1391].

Miah, A. (2005) Doping & the Child: Ethics for the Most Vulnerable Group, The Lancet [Sept 10, vol.366, 874-876.].

Miah, A. (2004) The Public Autopsy: Somewhere Between Art, Education, and Entertainment, Journal of Medical Ethics, 30, Dec, 576-579.

Miah, A. (2003) Be Very Afraid: Cyborg Athletes, Transhuman Ideals & Posthumanity, Journal of Evolution & Technology, 13(2), [Available from: http://www.jetpress.org/volume13/miah.html].

Miah, A. (2003) (e)text: Error…404 Not Found!, or the Disappearance of History, Culture Machine: The E-Issue, 5, [Available from: http://culturemachine.tees.ac.uk/frm_f1.htm].

Miah, A. (2003) Genetic Modification (GM) in Sport: Legal Implications, Contemporary Issues in Law, Vol.6(3), pp.207-226 [ISSN: 1357-0374].

Miah, A. (2003) Dead Bodies for the Masses: The British Public Autopsy & the Aftermath, CTHEORY: International Journal of Theory, Technology & Culture, Event-Scene, E119 [Available Online from: http://www.ctheory.net/text_file.asp?pick=363].

Miah, A. (2002) Is bigger better?: A response to the international tennis federation’s ‘bigger balls’ proposal, International Sports Studies, 24(2), pp.19-32.

Miah, A. (2002) Governance, Harmonisation & Genetics: The World Anti-Doping Agency and its European Connections, European Sports Management Quarterly, 2(4), 350-369.

Miah, A. & Garcia, B. (2002, Spring) The Truth About Olympic Truce: Rights, Responsibilities & the Impossibility of Being ‘Global & Apolitical’, Human Rights Tribune, vol.9, No.1. 30-1.

Miah, A. (2002) Bioethics, Sport & the Genetically Enhanced Athlete, Journal of Medical Ethics & Bioethics, 9(3-4), 2-6, Also available: www.elis.sk/etika/download/2002-no3&4.pdf

Miah, A. (2002) Immersion and Abstraction in Virtual Sport, Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol.21, 225-233.

Miah, A. (2002) Genes, Sports, and Ethics: A Response to Munthe (2000), Research in Philosophy and Technology, Vol.21, 269-289.

Miah, A. (2001) Genetic Technologies and Sport: The New Ethical Issue, Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, XXVIII, 32-52 [ISSN: 0094-8705].

Miah, A. (2001) Genetics, Law and Athletes’ Rights, Sports Law Bulletin, Vol 4(5), pp.10-12. Also available online at:http://www.sportslawbulletin.com/Current/Analysis/Analysis.htm

Miah, A. (2000) The Engineered Athlete: Human Rights in the Genetic Revolution, Culture, Sport, Society, Vol.3, No.3, 25-40 [ISSN: 1461-0981].

Miah, A. (2000) Virtually Nothing: Re-evaluating the Significance of Cyberspace, Leisure Studies, 19:3, 211-225 [ISSN: 0261-4367].